Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Watch my Fall from Grace

This year has been one of change. Last year at this time I was on my first ever paid vacation from my job at Southern Cash. I was stressed out to the max and actually ended up going to my office 3 times that week. I was horrendously out of shape, nervy, and miserable. My boss was the most hateful man I think I have ever known with only one exception. A control freak who wanted to micromanage and know every time I farted. My actual job consisted of getting hard-working people wrapped up in paycheck loans that they had no hope of paying back, and then calling them and all their family members to demand payment. I was alone in my office all the time and there were days when no other living soul darkened the door. It was the worst job I have ever had in my working life. Period.
All that was to lead in to tell you what I do now. I am the closing manager of my local Wendy's. I was exceedingly embarassed to take the job, which started out as simply a crew position. I cried the first day I put on that clown-red polyester shirt and had to walk in shame from my apartment to my car, hoping that no one was around to witness this injustice. I worked fries the first day, and was super depressed (not to mention super greasy) by the time that 3 hours was over. This is not the first time I've worked at Wendy's. It is, in fact, the 6th. And the 3rd time I've worked at the one in Fort Payne. I worked hard, and in 2 weeks time, I was asked if I wanted to take a management position. I did.
Now, I have the greatest boss I could ever imagine. Usually when we work together, we are in tears from laughing so much. She is easy to work for. She's great about scheduling and understands that there are more important things in my life than my job. She appreciates when I go above and beyond, which I am inclined to do. She doesn't get totally freaked out when I make a mistake, to which I am also prone. And I've lost 41 pounds since taking this job. I can't hate on anything that gets me laid on a more regular basis. (Sorry, Momma)
So, I love my job. Most of the time. Last week during the "World's Longest Yard Sale", it was nuts. My boss had some medical problems and had to be out for most of the week. I closed 6 nights last week, and they were 6 of the most ridiculously busy nights I have ever worked in all my fast-food days. I swear, I think every other restaurant in town was closed. We are seriously understaffed as it is, and then I had 2 call-outs Wednesday, an extremely violent walk-out Thursday, a call-out Friday, 2 no-call-no-shows and a call-out Saturday, and a walk-out and a no-call-no-show Sunday. (And just in case they read this, I want to say a HUGE Thanks to the people who actually did show up and work, and the ones who covered shifts for me. Holy crap, what a week) The computer fried on Wednesday, so I had to do paperwork by hand 2 nights, and then 3 nights of paperwork had to be entered Friday night when they got a new computer up and running. (Thanks goes out to Selena here for being such an Excel genius) Anyway...it was a rough week...but all I need is a thank-you, which I received. I worked Monday night, and it was blessedly uneventful. My wonderful boss gave me Tuesday and Wednesday off this week. I needed it in the worst way.
Yesterday, Brad called and said he was coming home early and wanted us all to go do something together. We decided to go walk around at Little River Falls and kicked around the state park some. It was hot, but we had fun and got outside for a while. When driving back home, we got caught in the coolest little sun shower. It smelled of ozone, and spattered against the car windows. We were all charmed and walked slowly into the house, enjoying the feel of the rain.
I didn't take my cell with me on our outing. On purpose. When I came inside, I checked my phone and had 3 voice messages.
The first, from my friend, Michelle: "Betsy, when you get this, please call and let me know you're OK."
"OK", I think, "That's kind of strange...but Michelle is given to drama."
The second, from my friend, Selena: "Hey, give me a call when you get this"
Alrighty, I sure will. Selena is not given to drama.
The third message was from work. Amanda, one of my crew people (and a sweet girl, besides), says shakily: "Betsy, please call me and let me know if you are alright. I'm worried about you, so please call as soon as you can and let me know you're OK"
By now, I'm wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I was only out of the house without my phone. Can I not be unavailable for a couple hours without everyone thinking my demise is imminent?
I call work, and Amanda answers. Apparently, a tornado (which we later find out was a "microburst", a downdraft that was a result of our sweet little summer shower) has hit the store. I live really close by which is why Amanda was concerned. Michelle thought I might have been there, and Selena said her first thought was that I had finally flipped out and trashed the store. She knows me so well...
Windows are broken, people are going crazy, and Cody got hit with flying glass. I missed all the excitement. I speak to the Assistant Manager, Tonya, and she says everyone is OK, and to come down if I want. I drive over and there are actually TV news teams everywhere, reporters from the Times-Journal, police, firemen and all manner of construction vehicles. The Wendy's sign is mostly gone, the fence around the patio crumpled like it was made of aluminum foil. One double paned window was completely broken out and the glass patio door imploded, knocking Cody clear across the dining room and giving him a miniscule cut on the nose which he will milk for sympathy and drama until the end of time. There was only one customer in the store at the time, and she will probably never come back after nearly being yanked bald by employees trying to drag her away from the table where she was sitting...right beside the patio door.
And here I sat, at my computer, Simming...blissfully unaware. I had my camera with me when I went down there and, like the colossal idiot I am, didn't take any pictures. And the ones in the Times-Journal sucked, as usual. They boarded up the window and replaced the glass in the patio door. I believe they are working on the sign today and I don't know what the plans are for the fence. It was a God-awful mess, and I tried to help. But, as Brad says, I am always the chick wearing the wrong shoes, and my District Manager was having a small coronary over me traipsing around over all the glass in flip-flops. I looked cute, though. And isn't that what's really important?
Sorry that was so long and essentially boring. Now, some random thoughts...everyone else does it...
-I love to see people in neck braces. It always makes me wonder if they are doing it for insurance purposes.
-Breakfast was caffeine, grease, salt, nicotine, tar and smoke. I am a picture of health.
-Does that horse really need a mobile home? I mean, I've heard of horse trailers, but come on...
-I really like Diet Pepsi better, but Diet Coke is so much more available.
-I think that buggy boy was actually checking me out. Weird.
-Ruby Tuesday is way too expensive. But the Blondie is so yummy.
-I need new jeans.

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