Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Release your bated breath, ladies!

As if you have nothing better to do than sit around waiting for me to post a stupid blog. Anyway.
This week's man may lose some of you. I debated on a more obvious choice...

Julian McMahon, who most of you probably know from Charmed (which I never watch). I have a thing for him based on his Nip/Tuck character. BTW, if you are not watching Nip/Tuck, you should be. If only to see this man's ass in all its glory.
However, Julian is not actually the man I'm panting for this week. Nip/Tuck doesn't start a new season till September, and I'm an out-of-sight, out-of-mind kinda chick. Also, the idea of this was to share MY crazy ass lustings, not, in fact, cater to the masses. I'm sorry folks...but I gotta go with:
Chris Cornell...former Soundgarden/current Audioslave frontman.
And here's why:
1. That voice. Holy God. Check out my profile if you've never heard it. It makes my toes tingle. I would pay money to hear him read the phone book.

2. That mouth...even Brad said, and I quote: "I am not, like, into guys or anything...but he's got a sexy mouth." My husband is so hetero he can't even watch porn that includes men. And if he finds a male mouth sexy, it's undeniable.
3. He rocks a wife-beater like no trailer trash I've ever seen. And I live in Alabama, so I'm somewhat of an expert on trailer trash. 
4. He's a little suspicious looking. Like some skeevy guy in the pool halls of my youth...hanging in the back, making a cloud of cigarette smoke, and giving you looks that are not subtle in any way. The independent woman in you is repulsed, but the whore in you is flattered. You will probably end up making out with him before the night is over. You will feel like you are on fire the whole time. And his will be the face you see in bed for a long, long time... 
5. He's tortured, and talented, and grungy, and just so damned MAN. And he's 40-something. I like that. 
6. He makes cute babies. (I'm sure this is an evolutionary holdover on my part, but nonetheless...) 
On a completely different note...I just found out that Panic! At The Disco was in Atlanta this month. "Was" being the operative word. I friggin' missed them. And I am pissed. Damn story of my life.

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